Monday, August 13, 2012


Ok guys are so WEIRD!! Heres a story: A guy will start talking to a girl...seems harmless...they text a lot they hang out once and the girl decides she isn't rly that into the dude...he asks her to the movies and she denies him...she goes to explain how she just rly isn't into him, that they didn't rly have chemistry or a connection when they hung out and that he's just not her type...he then goes to say how they rly haven't hung out much for her to rly know how he is...this is how I see it. Through texting and hanging out for a day u CAN tell if u are into a person or not and if ur not then u need to cut it off maybe still be friends but nothing more and make it clear to him...but no girls can't do that cause if we say that they'll just say we haven't hung out enough to know and if u do start hanging out with them a while and then cut it off they just use the excuse that we lead them on...I don't like guys that are like that...there are a billion girls out in the world and if one turns u down oh well get over it a be a man about it not a boy...GIRLS WANT A MAN NOT A BOY!!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy Birthday๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽˆ

Hello!! So today was my birthday (: I turned longer a teenager man time rly does fly...the year is already half over and it feels like just yesterday I was counting down til the new year. Well, I had a great birthday. Most people won't think it's great but for me it was just cause of one special person. A person that i truly love dearly and always will no matter where life takes us whether together or apart, came and ate McDonald's with me. You might be thinkin McDonald's? On ur birthday? But there's a special thing about McDonald's and the fact that he wanted to go there with me made it extra special!! Thanks to all y'all for wishing me a happy birthday!! It truly was a good one and I love y'all all ๐Ÿ’œ

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Doctors Office

So I'm sitting here in the waiting room of the doctors office waiting on my sister to get done..while I'm sitting here I get to thinking while I'm watching everyone come in...there are 6 different people in here and we are all spread out..why is it that when people come to sit down they all look for spots that aren't around anyone's it cause people just don't wanna talk to others, to have that awkward confrontation of having to say hey an put on a fake face if they are rly in a bad it just cause people are shy or maybe it's cause some people are just rude and don't like others so they try to avoid as many as possible...i dont know what the real reason is, I do it too and idk why...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First Post

Hey. Im Katie Olsen here to start blogging. Idk what im doing really im just gonna take it day by day. Im not gonna have a specific theme like food, makeup, or poems or anything like that. Im just gonna put what im thinking at the time that i want to post. Im not the smartest person and do make grammar mistakes but hopefully yall will understand what im am talking about. I think mostly what im going to be posting is my feelings about situations and how i handle them or how i would want to or if i dont even know how to handle them. I dont really know. Haha well this was just my first one to start things off. See ya later xoxox :D